Welcome to the Signature Edit, our collaboration with Kitch

We’ve partnered with Kitch to develop a collection that has the elements we gravitate towards in our own work - timeless style with a warm palette. We strive to create layered spaces that envelop you with natural materials and textures, with moments full of depth and comfort. The two new colours, Brownstone and Cinder, feel approachable but can make a statement. Go bold in a small space with colour matched walls, or keep it simple as an accent on a kitchen island. The Signature profile is our take on a timeless silhouette. A cabinet front that will never go out of style.

This collection truly is a reflection of our signature aesthetic and we hope that it inspires your next project!

-Kristina and Diana

Get to know the collection…..



Order a sample box of our go-to finishes and favorite door profiles!